Týždenný intenzívny kurz konverzačnej angličtiny
Týždenný intenzívny kurz konverzačnej angličtiny s Johnom Greenom motivoval naše žiačky natoľko, že spoločnými silami vytvorili pre neho báseň. Krajšie poďakovanie a rozlúčku so žiačkami John Green určite nečakal, čo myslíte? :)
I wanna write you a letter,
so let me start about the weather.
The weather is cool, so what now?
This whole week was just “ wow “.
We came on Monday shy and scared,
now we hear English everywhere.
I love your accent by the way,
I could listen to it whole day.
We want to thank you for this class.
I hope you are not sick of us.
You should buy our “ Catterfridge TM©“,
it will make us very rich.
We´ll have money, but until then,
we´ll dream about our beloved England
and if it´s a possibility,
we´ll invite you for a cup of tea.
“ Muffin Girls “ (Petra Šibíková, Natália Tichá, Katarína Kováčiková, Júlia Chládeková – II.A)